Travel Food

Road Trip Food

In an effort to further delay my impending packing rush, I will detail for you all my travel food necessities. We can do without a lot of stuff out on the road, but if the food isn’t right, then aint nothin’ is right. I hope my foody expertise will help out others as vacation season is upon us.

So, a basic list:

Frito Bean Dip (we love it so much, we named our dog after it).

Fruit of all kinds, ready to eat without any green stuff to get rid of.

Mini Baby bel cheese, (hella expensive if you don’t get it at Costco, but still worth it because the red wax on the outside makes for some great sculpting material).

Ramen noodles, to be boiled up in the coffee maker in case we have to make an overnight stop.

Fruit leather, granola bars, crackers for the cheese.

Banana Chocolate Mini Muffins, yum!!! (baked the night before, preferably when packing is at it’s most intense and tempers are flaring).

Ingredients for the NuFlufferBaNutter sandwich. And just what is that, you ask? Let me show you:

Road Trip Delicacy

Nutella, marshmallow whip, banana, and peanut butter sandwich. All the food groups in one! It’s our version of GORP.

Sadly, since that picture was taken, all of us chez Child’s Play have forsaken High Fructose Corn Syrup. *sob*. No more Cherry Coke. Although….everyone might be lots better off if I had one on our marathon drive, so maybe I’ll take one for the team and just get myself some.

Now I’m off to make some mad lists, because I’m sure to forget tons of things that I really wish I wouldn’t. Taking kids and hubby on a vacation is like preparing for a minor invasion. Details, details, details, which isn’t my strong suit.

I’ll let you know on the flip side what important thing I’ve forgotten…